This Android application is the Aqidah of Imams of the Four Madzhabs - Dr. H. Kholilurrohman, MA.. In Pdf format."Whoever says: I do not know whether Allah is in the sky or in the earth then he has become a disbeliever."This statement by al-Imam Abu Hanifah was quoted by many scholars, including by al-Imam Abu Mansur al-Maturidi in Syarh al-Fiqh al-Akbar, al-Imam al-Izz ibn Abd as-Salam in Hall ar-Rumuz, al- Imam Taqiyuddin al-Hushni in Dafu Syubah Man Syabbah Wa Tamarrad, and al-Imam Ahmad ar-Rifai in al-Burhan al-Muyyad.Abdullah ibn Wahb, said: "One time when we were at the majlis al-Imam Malik, suddenly someone came to Al-Imam, saying: O Abu Abdillah, ar-Rahman Ala al-Arsy Istawa how is Istawa Allah? Abdullah ibn Wahab said: When al-Imam Malik heard the persons words, he lowered his head with his body trembling with sweat. Then he raised his head to answer the mans words: "ar-Rahmman Ala al-Arsy Istawaa as He describes himself- It is not permissible for Him to say how, because how (the nature of things) does not exist for Him. You are a person with bad beliefs, a heresy, get this person out of here." Then the person was expelled from the majlis al-Imam Malik.When al-Imam ash-Shafii was asked about the attributes of Allah, he replied: "Unlawful for every intellect to conceive of Allah, forbidden for all conjectures to imagine Allah, forbidden for all prejudices to fantasize about Allah, forbidden for every soul to think of Allah, forbidden for every heart to meditate on Allah, forbidden for every trajectory of the mind to think of Allah . Unless we characterize Him as Allah has characterized Himself as conveyed by the Messenger of Allah"."Whatever you imagine in your mind about Allah, then Allah is not like that."This statement of al-Imam Ahmad was widely quoted by many scholars among Ahlussunnah, including narrated by al-Imam Abul Fadl at-Tamimi in the book Itiqad al-Ilrlad al-Mubajjal Ahmad ibn Hanbal.Hopefully this application can be useful as material for study and become a loyal friend anytime and anywhere without having to be online.Please give us suggestions and input for the development of this application, give a 5 star rating to give us a sense of enthusiasm in developing other useful applications.Disclaimer :All content in this application is not our trademark. We only get content from search engines and websites. The copyright of all content in this application is fully owned by the creator concerned. We aim to share knowledge and make learning easier for readers with this application, so there is no download feature in this application. If you are the copyright holder of the content files contained in this application and do not like your content being displayed, please contact us via the email developer and tell us about your ownership status for the content.